Our Mission
To make tomorrow better than today by supporting and empowering children, youth, and families involved with Child Protective Services.
Race Equity Value Statement
Many of the children, youth, and families we serve through child welfare systems are disproportionately impacted by racism and other social injustices. We are committed to:
- Manifesting change in our spheres of influence by using intentional language, embracing educational and training opportunities, and engaging in courageous conversations with our supporters and other members of our community.
- Building an organization, programs, and events that more accurately reflect and more effectively support those we serve.
- Advocating for reforms and enhancements that prioritize just treatment and the fair distribution of resources and support.
What we do
Provide Necessity Items
We provide necessity items like diapers, clothing, and beds to children and families from resource rooms located in CPS offices in Austin and Waco.
Create Holiday Memories
We create holiday memories for children with an open CPS case in Central Texas by matching them with community donors to fulfill their gift wishes.
Raise Adoption Awareness
We help connect families interested in adoption to children in the care of CPS who seek relational permanency.
Ease Transitions
We help ease the transition into adulthood and independence for youth involved in the child welfare system through mentoring support, life-skills training, and financial education.
Mentor through Music
We provide children involved in the child welfare system with committed one-on-one mentoring relationships through music lessons.
Enhance Community
We are the backbone support for Foster Community - a network of nonprofits, government agencies and community leaders dedicated to enhancing community support for families involved or at risk of involvement with the child welfare system.
Our History
In 1989, after the highly publicized death of a young toddler in Dallas, a group of concerned citizens created Community Partners of Dallas to assist Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworkers in meeting the needs of children in their care. Then in 1993, these efforts evolved into 24/7 resource rooms called Rainbow Rooms. In 1998, with the help of the First Lady of Texas, Laura Bush, this program was replicated throughout Texas.
In February of 2003, this initiative was brought to Austin as Partnerships for Austin Children in Crisis (now Partnerships for Children) and was incorporated and gained 501c3 status. We opened the doors to the first Travis County Rainbow Room in September of that year.
In 2004, we began our second program, Holiday Wishes. We hosted its first toy drive, brightening the lives of 250 children who couldn’t be home for the holidays.
After seeing what a difference our two programs were making in the lives of the children in CPS, we decided to work on making an even bigger impact through annual fundraising. In 2006, we hosted our 1st annual gala. In 2010, Cover 3 hosted its 1st annual Golf Classic for us. In 2011, we hosted our 1st annual Girls & Giving event and the 1st annual Byrd & Street Mistletoe Jam.
In 2012, we were awarded the Impact Austin grant. This enabled us to launch our third program, YES Mentoring, to support youth aging out of the child welfare system.
In 2014, we announced our fourth program, the Heart Gallery of Central Texas, at our 10th Anniversary Celebration. This program helps children who’ve been waiting to be adopted find their forever home.
At the end of our 2014 fiscal year, our annual operating budget broke the $1 million mark. And we haven't stopped growing. We kicked off our current fiscal year with a $2.5 million operating budget.
Our volunteer initiative, Teens4Teens, began in the summer of 2016. We knew this was a wonderful opportunity for young people to get involved in their communities and be encouraged to maintain that spirit of generosity as adults.
Forever Families is a weekly outreach and awareness segment featuring children and youth from our Heart Gallery. Since 2017, the coverage has expanded, and these segments are now featured on KVUE and viewed by thousands each week.
In 2018, we were approached by the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation to take over the backbone support for Foster Community; a network of nonprofits, government agencies and community leaders dedicated to increasing the number and diversity of healing foster and adoptive families in Central Texas.
In 2019, we expanded our resource services coverage and took over management of the Rainbow Room in Waco to assist with the growing need in this community.
2020 certainly had a profound impact on our world and was especially challenging for the children and families we serve. Through the amazing support of our community, PFC was able to pivot and expand our resource services to provide meal delivery, grocery gift cards and rent and utilities assistance to the families we serve. This assistance is now part of our regularly provided resources.
Our Board of Directors have focused the final months of 2020 on in-depth DEI work to build a foundation for the future of our organization and programs that put anti-racist and culturally competent supports in place to continue to chip away at the disparities in outcomes for children of color in our community.
In January 2021, we announced that Kids in a New Groove (KING) would be joining the PFC family. This mentoring through music program provides music mentors for children ages 5 and up who are involved in the child welfare system.
Latest News
Forever Families
Each Friday on KVUE midday, reporter Hannah Rucker introduces a new child looking for a forever family. Learn how you and your business can play a crucial role in raising awareness about the children featured in The Heart Gallery of Central Texas.
KING Mentoring
Learn more about our music mentoring program, Kids in a New Groove, recently featured on KVUE News.
Interested in talking with us about story opportunities? Email info@partnershipsforchildren.org or call 512-834-4756
Our Staff
Exective Director
Director of Programs
Director of Community Partnerships
Director of Development
Grants Manager
Volunteer & Outreach Manager
KING Mentoring Program Manager
KING Music Outreach Coordinator
Waco Program Coordinator
Heart Gallery Program Manager
Heart Gallery Program Coordinator
Community Engagement Specialist
Communications Manager
Our Board
Board Chair
Sally Baskin
Territory Director, Azure
Board Chair Elect
Jenny Goerdel Carrara
Community Advocate
Past Board Chair
Nicole Watson
Product Marketing Director, Salesforce
Board Treasurer
Dauphen Jackson
CFO, Fuquay, Inc.
Board Secretary
Andrea Stovall
OR Director, Austin Plastics & Reconstructive Surgery
Ryan Willett
Attorney, Willett Law Firm
Keiko Anderson
Lawyer, Law Office of Keiko Griffin, PLLC
Paula Lina
Director of Value Engineering, Planview
Shawntell Walton
Senior AP Specialist, Digital Turbine
Jonathan Stanner
President & CEO, Summit Hotel Properties
Kendall Carson
Executive Assistant, The Wonder Project
James VanBibber
Community Advocate
Haylee Loudenslager
Digital Marketing Manager, C3 Presents
Scott Logan
President, Night Hawk Frozen Foods