Holiday Wishes

Do you remember the excitement of the holidays, what it felt like to eagerly count down the days during the holiday season, and the thrill and anticipation of having gifts to open?

Many of the Central Texas children who are connected to Child Protective Services during the holiday season have never had these experiences.

Holiday Wishes creates happy memories
for children connected to Child Protective Services.


that YOU can help

Donate to
Holiday Wishes

Make a Donation

Your valuable monetary donation will go toward the purchase of holiday gifts. A donation of $100 will fill all three wishes for one child.


Shop our Wishlist

Shop our Wishlist

Help fill Rainbow Rooms across Central Texas with toys and gifts for children in the care of CPS this holiday season!

Shop the Wishlist

Sponsor a Youth

Give Gifts

Thank you for your interest in supporting Holiday Wishes and the youth we serve! At this time, we are no longer assigning individual sponsorships. If you're interested in making a child's holiday even brighter, please make a monetary contribution so we can fulfill their extra special gift requests!

Make a Donation

See the Impact.

Our Holiday Wishes program serves the entire Central Texas Community.
In 2024:

Children received gifts
Gifts Distributed to Brighten the Holidays
Counties Served