We are working to keep our youth connected and still learning valuable financial literacy and life skills even when we can't teach them through our YES classes. Find out how you can help our youth transition to adult hood through Mission Possible Kits!
YES Mission Possible
Teach a Class:
- Do you own a yoga studio or an art studio? Or do you have some other awesome skill you think youth would enjoy learning?? Would you like to host an event? We are always looking for fun activities or continuing education classes to put on for our youth! If you have a skill or connection you would like to share, email
Sponsor an Activity:
- In order to encourage healthy relationship building between youth and mentors, as well as providing normalizing activities for the youth, we put together outings and activities for the youth and their mentors to participate in together.
- Some examples of what we've done: Painting with a Twist, Bat Boat, Trail of Lights, Urban Air, Spurs Games, Round Rock Express Games, etc.
- If you have connections to activities, or wish to donate tickets, please email:
Sponsor a Class:
- We host two cycles of financial literacy classes for our youth and mentors. There are four classes held over three months in the Spring and Fall. We need sponsors to help with snacks, drinks, and lunch. Email if you're interested in providing this for our youth.
Sponsor a Youth:
- $25 - 1 incentive for 1 community challenge.
- $100 - 4 incentives for all four community challenges for 1 youth.
- $100 - provides a youth with all the required job uniform necessities.
- $250 - 1 year of mentoring for a youth, includes training, administrative costs and support. Encouraging youth to complete different challenges that help them become independent adults, and providing normalizing experiences is a big part of our program. Help us provide those incentives!
- $500 - 1 year of support to youth. This includes: celebrating birthdays, graduations, and first A's on math test. It also encompasses normalizing experiences like attending a movie at the local drive-in, having an opportunity to enjoy a nice, sit-down dinner while learning the art of etiquette, and exploring their creativity at a guided art night. YES Mentoring also provides YES youth with opportunities to connect to their communities but supporting yoga classes, dance lessons, and any other activity a YES youth has a desire to participate in.
* In order for your donation to go to the YES Mentoring program, click YES Mentor Program Support under Donation Designation.
Sponsor a Youth
Current or Former YES Mentors:
- Support a Current Mentor. As you are aware, it can be challenging at times to support a teen as they begin to age out. We are looking to start a Mentor Support Network where individuals who are seasoned mentors are paired with those just beginning their mentoring journey. This allows each mentor to have a person with lived mentor experience to reach out to in times of need - just an extra someone for guidance, support and potentially friendship! Email if interested.
- Volunteer at any YES event. YES events are wonderful opportunities for mentors and mentees to connect with their communities and each other. We aim to provide both educational and normalizing experiences for all YES youth. If you've ever been to one, you understand they can be quite hectic. If you're ever interested in helping out at an event (all the fun, less the fuss) we're always grateful for individuals who can help with transportation, picking up food (already paid for), or helping answer calls/questions about parking and directions. Email if interested.