Photography by

Latcham Photography


13 years Old


Thomas is an energetic and spirited boy who loves to make friends and spend time outdoors playing. Thomas is athletic and loves to play sports. Thomas enjoys playing soccer, basketball, and baseball. He enjoys going to school and the extra-curricular activities it offers. Thomas loves playing with Pokémon, Legos, superheroes and Matchbox cars. He loves to participate in any fun activities that keep him busy, especially outdoors. He is a natural conversationalist once he warms up and gets to know you. He loves to be in the company of others and is affectionate. Thomas likes to participate in group and community activities, so he can meet new people and make friends. Thomas is well-mannered and gets along well with his peers. Thomas is great following directions.

Thomas' forever family will be patient and loving. Thomas enjoys community activities and his forever family will, too! Thomas gets along well with children his age and younger.