Nelly, Adan & Nevaeh
18 years Old
15 years Old
16 years Old
Adan, Nelly and Nevaeh are best friends! They are bonded and support each other. Adan, Nelly and Nevaeh really enjoy being together, whether it is playing board games or just hanging out. Nelly and Nevaeh really look to their brother for support, guidance, and encouragement. Their relationship as siblings has grown to be supportive and has been their main point of consistency. They want to be kept together and know how to advocate for this wish. With smiles that light up a room and a wonderful sense of humor, Adan, Nelly and Nevaeh love to laugh and be crazy together more than anything else. They can lighten up any situation with a funny joke. They will be a great addition to a loving and nurturing forever family.
Adan, Nelly and Nevaeh would love to be adopted together by a culturally rich family. They lean on each other for support and would thrive in a home that encourages this relationship. Their forever family will support and encourage the progress they have made in their personal growth and goals. They will appreciate being in a home with pets and each given responsibilities of their own. Their family will support their continued growth and help them find their passions.