Photography by
16 years Old
Milous (Milo for short) is a sweet young man who knows what he wants! He enjoys the comfort of food, reading his favorite magazines, and exploring the world around him through touch. Milo loves cookies and has quite the Taco Bell order! Better Homes and Gardens is his favorite magazine to flip through. He also has an eye for fashion and gets excited to shop for new clothes. Things that catch his eye will be touched and examined, and he will likely hold hands with the people he’s interacting with. Being sensory-motivated, he responds well to having different textures and items to fiddle with to soothe himself. Milo sometimes has a short attention span but can focus on numbers, puzzles, and games on his tablet, which he likes a lot. His favorite subject in school is Social Studies because he likes learning about the history of the world. A favorite thing about Milo that those close to him mention is his attention to detail. He notices things that other people don’t, and that insight is a very special part of his personality.
Milo's forever family will set boundaries, keep them, and show great love to him. Change can be hard but taking time to prepare him for upcoming changes will help him. Milo’s forever family will be patient with him and remind him how special he is. He becomes disappointed in himself when he has failures and needs a family that will reassure him of his worth. Milo has expressed a desire for a mom and a dad and to live in the city. He would do best in a home that does not have multiple children or any children younger than him.