Photography by

Latcham Photography


11 years Old


Eric is a sweet child with a great smile. Always inquisitive, he likes to take things apart and figure out how they work. He likes to play outdoors and engage in physical activities such as sports, fishing, or hiking. Eric loves music and he likes to dance! He also enjoys indoor activities such as watching cartoons, playing games, drawing, and playing with toys like trucks and Nerf guns. Eric also loves animals and likes to help take care of them. Like other kids his age, Eric can become frustrated when things don’t go his way but has made progress learning to regulate his emotions. He is also learning to be a good friend and how to best care for others. 

Eric's forever family will provide a loving, highly structured, and consistent environment. His family will offer patience, understanding, and continued guidance. Eric does best in a structured environment with a schedule and routine. He should be given clear expectations and rules to follow. Eric's forever family will be committed to him for the rest of his life. His family will spend one-on-one time with him and be willing to access the resources he needs. Eric says he would love to find a family that can help him do new and cool things with his hair, such as braids.