
13 years Old


Stoic and sweet, when Enoch’s smile breaks through it lights up your world. He can be shy at first but engages in conversation easily once you show interest in him. Fairly independent, he likes to try new things and discover what he likes. He enjoys video games (especially racing ones!), virtual reality games, and go-karts. He’d love to try karate, weightlifting, and hiking outdoors. Enoch is very active and loves sports. He’s a big Green Bay Packers fan (but is willing to cheer your team on too) and wants to try out for his school football team next year. All that energy is sustained by his favorite foods- all things seafood, and Mexican food. Enoch also has a strong sense of personal style. He dresses well, but his real love is tennis shoes. The style, the sports, and the games are not all of who Enoch is. He is independent in a lot of ways but is always willing to lend a helping hand to others. 

Enoch’s forever family will accept him with open arms. They will take the time to get to know him and to grow as a family unit, building trust together. His family will advocate for his needs and be active participants in his schoolwork and extracurricular activities. Enoch will thrive in a family that demonstrates healthy relationships, encourages positive interactions, and rewards good behavior rather than punishing. He wants guidance, care, love, and support. His family will be committed to providing this for him and walking with him through his life. 

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