David & Jeremy

15 years Old

17 years Old


David and Jeremy interact and play with each other on occasion. Jeremy goes into David's room to interact with him and play with him. He enjoys being independent and going on outings or being outside. He is affectionate and passive. He prefers routine and is not favorable of many changes. David is sweet and loveable. He loves all the attention he can get. He enjoys visitors, but does not like visitors who come to make him workout. David and Jeremy would like to continue their sibling bond and share their extraordinary love with their forever family.

David and Jeremy's forever family will be a patient and flexible family. Their family will provide them with the attention and advocacy they need. Their family will be committed to adopting them together and help them through the transition, maintaining a structed environment and daily routine. Jeremy and David's family will be committed to both of them for the rest of their lives.