Photography by

Kara Young Photos


12 years Old


Daniel is a bright, inquisitive young man who has never met a stranger! He loves to know how things work, asks thoughtful questions, and absorbs information like a sponge. Everything about cars captivates him and he could take apart, put together, and push the different parts all day long without getting bored. Daniel also enjoys playing video games, riding his bicycle, and being outdoors. Staying active is important and helps him harness his energy. He makes friends easily as he is thoughtful and compassionate towards others. He is talkative and loves to share any new information he has learned with his friends but is also a good listener and always wants to include others. 

Daniel’s forever family will provide a loving, nurturing, consistent, and structured home for him to grow up in. His family will understand the impact of trauma on a child and will be dedicated to helping him see and experience the world through a lens of connection and safety. His family will offer guidance, patience, and understanding, and will be committed to him for the rest of his life. They will advocate for him and ensure that any support services needed are provided for him. Daniel would like a two-parent home and possibly siblings to bond and play with. He has expressed a renewed eagerness and excitement to meet his forever family and move forward with being adopted. Daniel is wise and kind and will be a wonderful addition to a family.