
6 years Old


When Bradly meets someone new, he extends his pointer finger for a fingertip introduction! He has a sweet, innocent nature and is immediately endearing. His gentle spirit shines through when he offers to share his toys with other children in the home. He is also drawn to animals, especially dogs. He is becoming increasingly affectionate and erupts into contagious giggles when tickled, and he likes to blow kisses when saying goodbye. During playtime, Bradly can be found in his miniature plastic kitchen, preparing meals for his loved ones. This is not surprising because Bradly is a foodie who likes trying new foods! Bradly also likes to ride on scooter toys and play with trucks. He loves going outside and swimming but does not like getting his hair washed in the bathtub. Bradly only uses a few words, but he is beginning to learn sign language to enhance his communication.

Bradly’s forever family will welcome him into a home with lots of love and affection, structure, and a calm environment. He will do well in a family with other children and animals, but his family must be able to supervise him closely because he is fearless and doesn’t recognize danger. His family will be busy attending Bradly’s therapy sessions and helping him to apply what he has learned in the home. He will need help to continue developing his social and communication skills. A family that has experience with autism is preferred. Bradly does well with transitions when his routines are maintained. While he can adjust to new people and situations, he recognizes and is comforted by familiar faces. Noisiness and spontaneity can throw him off. He does best in a quiet environment that is not overstimulating – he prefers soothing classical music to a noisy TV!