Photography by

JoAnn Mytyk


10 years Old


Andrew is an outgoing, sweet, adventures, and loving boy. He is very intelligent, articulate, and enjoys having a full-on conversation with anyone who is willing. He can be funny and likes to make people laugh. He loves playing indoors with hot wheels, but also loves to play outdoors with a soccer ball. He likes playing on his tablet, listening to music, playing his guitar, and playing video games. Andrew loves eating hamburgers, chicken nuggets, fries, and lots of ketchup. He enjoys engaging with his peers, but also likes to hang out with adults. He thrives with one on one attention. Patience and kindness are key values to be able to connect with Andrew. One of the most remarkable things about him is his self-awareness. Andrew responds well to physical touch and hugs.

Andrew would best benefit from a two-parent home. He would enjoy older siblings that are positive role models but is open to be an only child. His forever family will be structured, consistent, calming, and patient. Andrew's family will spend quality time with him. Andrew's family will be active, energetic, and enjoys family activities. Andrew is open to a home with friendly animals.