
16 years Old


Sometimes shy with new people, Aaron warms up quickly and gets into the conversation. With a wide variety of interests and hobbies, he's easy to talk to. He is artistic and enjoys drawing and sketching and is currently writing and illustrating an anime series. He has built an entire world of characters, may of whom share similarities with his own personal experiences. Along with all that creativity, he also does cosplay! In his free time, Aaron likes to listen to all types of music and enjoys social media and electronics. He has a not-so-secret love for animals and large dogs that will show his soft and nurturing side. Aaron enjoys being active. In the past, he was a manager on a sports team and would like to do that again. He is doing well in school and has dreams of going to a trade school to become a mechanic.

Aaron would benefit from a structured one or two-parent household. He expresses interest in parents that are a part of the LGBTQ community. His forever family will ensure that he is able to maintain important and appropriate relationships. Aaron would like to continue living in the central Texas area. Aaron’s forever family will be patient, caring, loving, and ready to help Aaron with the transition into their home.