Back to School: Beyond the Classroom
Imagine you're a kid connected to CPS, getting ready for the first day of school. Your mind races with worries about fitting in - will you have the cool new shoes everyone is talking about? Will you have all the supplies you need for the school year like everyone else? Or will you get to class missing something essential on the supply list?
These concerns are real for so many children, especially those who have an open case with Child Protective Services. Thanks to Partnerships for Children's Back-To-School program, returning to the classroom is transformed into an exciting moment. Peyton Mooney, PFC's Resource Services Coordinator who manages the program, ensures that every child's needs are met. PFC distributes everything from backpacks to essential school supplies to over 3,000 kids connected to CPS. We don't stop there. Each year, PFC receives hundreds of special requests for items not on a typical school supply list.
Individual stories highlight the impact of this program. A young boy desperately needed football cleats to participate in pre-season practice, otherwise he'd be cut from the team. Sports equipment isn't typically in stock at the Rainbow Room. PFC immediately purchased the cleats, making sure he could join the team.
A teenage girl came to her caseworker in a panic because she could not afford to buy the TI-84 graphing calculator required for her upcoming math class. Partnerships ordered the exact calculator she needed, easing her worries and setting her up for success in her collage-prep class.
A shy teen hesitantly entered our distribution day last year, where all supplies are laid out for caseworkers to take items for their caseload. "I can pick out anything, really, for me?" he asked. With nothing prepared for the school year, he couldn't believe that all of these items were available to him. This high schooler left beaming with excitement after choosing the perfect backpack and supplies for the new school year.

Something as seemingly small as a new backpack, cleats, or a calculator can make a monumental difference in a child's life. Each item represents not just a back-to-school necessity, but a symbol of hope and opportunity for the new year. Often, the back-to-school wishlists that come to Partnerships for Children are the only preparation students can make.
We can't do this alone. Partnerships for Children relies on generous contributions to meet every unique need that comes into our caseworker's hands.
Your support can ensure that every child, regardless of their circumstances, starts the school year on an equal footing with their classmates. It goes beyond school supplies; together, we're empowering these children to see a brighter future ahead. Join us in making this possible.