Myla, Myra, Myli, Ydin, & Yasmani

7 years Old

7 years Old

12 years Old

14 years Old

16 years Old


This group of siblings is full of energy and love for one another! The older siblings are very protective of the younger ones and are always watching out for one another. Myli and Yasmani are out to make you laugh and have a good old time. Myla tends to be the leader of the twins and loves to guide her siblings. Myra is strong willed and stands up for herself and others. Both are very outgoing and full of wonder for new experiences. As the oldest, Ydin is quiet and reserved but a source of steady strength and stability for his siblings. All of them love fashion and have impeccable taste in shoes.

Their forever family will be have big hearts and boundless energy! These five siblings want to be adopted together, and need an experienced family to love and accept them. Their family will provide a nurturing and loving home with boundaries and healthy structure. The kids look forward to having a family.who will advocate for them, encourage them, and be involved and active in pursuing their interests.

Submit Your Home Study

If you are not yet licensed to adopt and would like more information, please check out these NEXT STEPS.

This information will be sent to the child's case worker so that they can contact your licensing agency for a copy of your home study to be considered as a placement for this child.