
12 years Old


Isaiah is an adorable, alert, and playful child. He has numerous challenges, but over time his abilities have increased. He shows that he loves attention by responding to your voice and then holding your hand. Isaiah gets all excited with a big smile when he is loved on. He loves kisses and Donald Duck sounds. Isaiah appears to enjoy listening to music, being read to, and sensory touch books. Isaiah loves toys that make sounds and light up. He enjoys sitting outdoors in his wheelchair, feeling the breeze of fresh air while sitting under trees. Isaiah participates in homebound school services. This allows him to continue learning with his medical issues, but keeps him from the everyday exposure to germs that might be found in an elementary school environment. Isaiah has medical needs that will continue throughout his life.

Isaiah's forever family will be a loving home with specially trained parents who are knowledgeable of medically fragile children. Isaiah can be with other children and enjoys the attention and interactions of a large and busy family. He does enjoy the company of small dogs as well. Isaiah will need constant monitoring and supervision due to his daily health issues. He currently has 24-hour nursing to support his health needs.