
17 years Old


Dylon is an adorable and imaginative boy with special needs. He enjoys playing with Legos, objects that fly, and monster trucks. Dylon is happiest when he is playing on his tablet or a cell phone. He likes to watch cartoons and will laugh out loud as he rewinds and replays his favorite parts. This affectionate boy is quick to win hearts with his sweet smile!

Dylon is diagnosed with autism, and he is learning to manage challenges which include transitioning from one activity to another and interacting socially with others. Although Dylon is not very verbal, his communication skills are developing, and he is able to convey his wants and needs. Dylon has made significant progress in his development in the past year, and his caretakers and educators believe in his potential for growth through nurturing. He attends middle school and receives special education in a small classroom, which best meets his need for close supervision.

Dylon’s forever family will offer patience and consistency, along with careful supervision. His family must be engaged in teaching and redirecting him while providing new challenges to encourage his progress. His parents should have a good understanding of his diagnosis and special needs so they can continue to advocate for him.

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